How to properly address and send a parcel in Szybka Paczka point?

In this article you will learn how and where to put address labels, so that your parcels reach their recipients efficiently and reliably. We also answer the question: how to address parcels to Poland, and how to address foreign packages.
To address a courier parcel it is of course necessary to have a proper label. It should contain the exact address of the recipient, and preferably his contact details, as well as the sender's data, technical information about the parcel (like its weight) and its number. You have to fill in all the necessary fields and sign in the designated place.
In this article you will learn how and where to put address labels, so that your parcels reach their recipients efficiently and reliably. We also answer the question of how to address packages to Poland, and how to address foreign packages.
In order to address a courier package, it is of course necessary to have an appropriate label. It contains, among others, the exact address of the recipient, and preferably his contact details, as well as the sender's details, technical information about the package (such as its weight) and its number. You have to fill in all the necessary fields and sign in the designated place.
- Label must be filled out legibly - in capital letters or printed.
In addition to the address part, the label also includes a printed 2D code and the package number. It's like its registration number - it provides unambiguous identification of the package and allows you to track its journey to the recipient in real time.
Where to get the label?
If you're an individual shipper, you can get a label at any of the more than 7000 Szybka Paczka locations. They are located all over the country, in well-connected locations, open at convenient hours.
- You can fill out the label on the spot and stick it on the package ready to ship right away.
- You can also take the label with you and place it on a package you prepare at home.
You need to stick the label on the package in the right way. Despite appearances, this plays a really important role.
How and where to stick the label?
- Attach the label to the largest side of the shipment - remember, of course, to fill in the label correctly and legibly.
- Make sure the label is clearly visible and applied without any folds.
- Do not place the label on the closing line or on the edges of the box.
- Remember that there should be no old, unnecessary labels or other code markings on the package.
- Each package should have its own shipping label. Do not combine boxes within a single shipment.
Return label
You may receive a package in which the sender has already placed a label allowing you to return the package. If you want to return the ordered goods, it is enough to stick it on the parcel. This is free of charge and can be done at any Szybka Paczka location. This is how the ShopReturnService works.
And how to address international parcels?
Courier shipments are increasingly being sent abroad. First of all, because sales over the Internet practically do not know borders. GLS is an international company - it has a consistent network and a uniform system in many countries. This greatly facilitates the transport of parcels even over long distances. How to address packages abroad? The label should be filled in exactly the same way as for the domestic shipment.
- EuroBusinessParcel is a courier service within Europe.
The standard delivery time for international parcels in Europe is between 48 and 96 hours. For example, shipments to Germany, the Czech Republic or Austria usually arrive within two days. To Netherlands, Belgium or Denmark in three days. To France, UK or Italy it's 3-4 days (depending on specific location).
- GlobalExpressParcel is a courier service with global reach.
USA, Japan, Hong Kong or Singapore - GLS delivers to more than 160 countries around the world. Delivery time? For example, to large business centers, your shipment will arrive within a few days.
You can track your package from the moment it is shipped:
- Simply enter your shipment number or Track ID on our website .
- This way you can track both domestic and international shipments.
How to prepare a package for shipping? 5 additional tips
The primary function of any package is to protect its contents. A courier parcel travels fast and must meet basic conditions during transportation. Therefore, the parcel should be packed properly. This task belongs to the Sender.
- Choose the strength of the packaging according to the contents of the parcel - for sensitive shipments, choose unused double-layer cartons made of high-quality, moisture-resistant cardboard. Items inside can be additionally protected with bubble wrap.
- Check the weight and dimensions of the package - you can avoid possible additional charges.
- Fill the cardboard box - if there are empty places inside the box, the contents may move inside during the transport. Filling the carton will help to stabilize the items inside. You can do this the easy way - using fillers. However, for heavy and fragile items, it is best to use fitted polystyrene forms.
- Separate the items in the middle of the package - if there are more items in one package, they should not touch each other. You may want to put them in additional smaller packages or wrap them in bubble wrap. It all depends on what you are sending.
- Tape the package - it is best to use packing tape, the stronger the tape the heavier and bigger the package is. This tape should seal the package tightly from all sides. The package then becomes a solid and durable structure.