You will send courier shipments in Olsztyn with the help of GLS. We guarantee timely and safe transportation in domestic and international traffic. We have an attractive offer addressed to individual senders, as well as companies that need professional support in logistics.

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The Szybka Paczka points - Olsztyn

To find the nearest GLS Szybka Paczka point where you send a courier parcel in Olsztyn, use the search engine available on our website. In Olsztyn and its surroundings you will find about 30 points. It is enough to provide basic data - for example, the postal code - and the tool will present the address of facilities located in your area. In addition, you will learn the opening hours of each point, which allows you to conveniently use courier shipments in Olsztyn.

GLS carries out domestic and international shipments. In Poland, the parcel is most often delivered to the recipient on the next working day. For international shipments, delivery takes from 2 to 6 working days. During transport, the sender and recipient can constantly monitor the status of the package.

A parcel sent by the GLS courier company in Olsztyn must not contain items excluded from the carriage. A complete list of listed items is available in the terms and conditions on our website.

Use the search engine available on our website to check where to send or receive courier shipments in Olsztyn closest to you.

Szybka Paczka points map

See our other branches in the warmińsko-mazurskie voivodship:

Parcel shipping - Olsztyn

Taking advantage of courier services in Olsztyn becomes convenient thanks to GLS Szybka Paczka Points. These are shop-in-shop facilities located directly in stores and service establishments. They are distinguished by their convenient location and long opening hours, often also on Saturdays. They were established for sending parcels, as well as receiving them.

To order a courier in Olsztyn, all you need to do is go to the nearest GLS Szybka Paczka outlet. Use the search engine to find a facility located in your area. Deliver the secured parcel to the point. On the spot you will find a label to fill out - in addition, the form contains a number that you will use for future tracking. Sending a parcel by courier in Olsztyn with GLS becomes very easy and convenient. There are many points throughout the city that are ready to receive your parcel.

Remember that the package sent by courier in Olsztyn must comply with GLS regulations. The parcel should not reach a weight of more than 31.5 kg. At the same time, no side can be longer than 200 cm.

the courier is delivering a parcel

Global parcels

Learn how to send a parcel ouside the Europe

girl is looking on the european map

Internacional parcels

Learn how to send parcel to European countries