We support social projects and organizations

... because we care about people.

We are committed to various projects for people who require aid and assistance quickly and unbureaucratically. For this purpose, we support regional and local initiatives as well as selected organizations and projects nationwide.

Our top priority in all our cooperation is appreciation, respect and understanding for each other’s needs, as we are convinced that these values are the basis of all interactions.


It's not a coincidence that we quite often talk about our GLS family - now, at Christmas, we've all moved even closer together to give a helping hand to our colleague and her family who have been hit hard by fate.

Our head of finance, Clemens, and our head of accounting & HR admin, Sabrina, were delighted to present Sandra with a Christmas check on behalf of the entire GLS team, which was collected during our “GLSbewegt” campaign. In addition, our colleagues across Austria were not idle as well and have also collected money at their locations - and they did that that with a lot of passion as the number of piggy banks has shown.

We wish our colleague Sandra and her daughter Anna all the best and keep our fingers crossed that everything will be just fine!


Of course, the economic and geopolitical situation continues to be challenging but there are families who have lost their footing with their childrens’ cancer diagnosis.

We would like to help a little bit and put some small smiles on the faces of the children affected. Therefore, our Sales & Marketing Director, Eberhard Thiele, brought not only a donation check on behalf of GLS and its customers to the OÖ Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe, but also Advent-calendars in the form of 3D delivery cars. We know from the past that these calendars bring a sparkle to childrens’ eyes.

The important non-profit organization ÖO Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe does great work and supports affected families wherever needed. We are very pleased that we are able to provide a little support.

If you like to follow our example please find further information here:

Cyclist-in-front-of-a-yellow-background Cyclist-in-front-of-a-yellow-background

We are always on the move

Doing sports for a good cause – with our health project #GLSbewegt our employees collected thousands of kilometers through exercise, which were converted into a donation.

The aim of the initiative was not only to work out and lead a healthy and conscious lifestyle, but also to raise money for these activities. More than 240.000 kilometers were the result, which GLS converted into a donation of € 12.000.

This amount was donated to two charity organizations which were chosen by our employees: € 6.000 went to the Austrian Children’s Cancer Aid, the other € 6.000 were given to an Austrian Animal Welfare Organisation.

radfahrer auf gelb
Press release: Doing sports for a good cause

With the #GLSbewegt health project, GLS Austria has asked its employees to collect kilometers through exercise in order to then convert them into a donation. The college did not need to be told twice and "sported" a considerable sum.

Read more


The Austrian Children’s Cancer Aid primarily provides direct help for families who have run into financial difficulties as a result of their child’s illness and moreover helps financing child-friendly equipment for oncological wards.

Our employees have decided to support this important and irreplaceable work financially and therefore we’ve donated half of the kilometers collected – which means € 6.000 – to the children’s cancer aid. We hope that our small contribution to this vital work will put some smiles on children’s faces.


A healthy lifestyle pays off, as our #GLSbewegt initiative shows: we are not only healthier, but also able to support animals. Half of the amount collected, namely € 6.000, went to the Austrian animals’ protection association, dedicated to animal welfare.

The animal protection association Assisi-Hof in Stockerau, whose intention is to offer injured, abandoned and rejected animals a place of refuge, is currently being set up. In order to be able to quickly give animals in need a home, we are involved in the construction of species-appropriate housings and stables.


For many of us 2022 wasn’t a particular easy year as not really positive topics dominated the news: the war in the Ukraine and the associated economic consequences, the energy crisis, horrifying news about climate change and last but not least Corona made life difficult.

For this reason, we have decided to support the ORF fundraising campaign LICHT INS DUNKEL again as an Emerald partner and donate € 15.000. Thus, we are able to help where people are facing existential challenges.

Christian Schöninger, Managing Director at GLS Austria

Of course we've hoped that we would collect tons of kilometers with our initiative „Moving for a good cause“ – and the fact that we have circled the earth more than six times shows what a great team we have.

Christian Schöninger, Managing Director at GLS Austria

Our engagement


Our helpers in need - in November 2022 we were fortunate enough to welcome the voluntary fire brigades FF Freindorf, FF Ansfelden, FF Nettingsdorf and BTF Papier Nettingsdorf on our premises for their obligatory exercise check. A fire scenario and a traffic accident were simulated.

The people to be rescued in this "fire event" were some of our colleagues. They were evacuated from various dangerous situations and handed over to the rescue team for first aid. The exercise has shown that all the teams work together perfectly and are prepared for emergencies.