Since 2009, we have been assessing GLS Netherlands' carbon footprint, looking at emissions, resource consumption and waste disposal. The method we use is based on the Green House Gas Protocol and transport emissions are calculated according to the requirements of European standard EN 16258 for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions from transport.

With our services, we contribute to employment, mobility and the reliable delivery of goods. We ensure a good partnership with all employees and transport partners. We feel connected to society and appreciation, respect and understanding are important principles for GLS Netherlands when dealing with employees and partners.

GLS reports in detail on its current goals, activities and progress in economic, social, environmental and corporate matters. Want to know more about what we and other GLS countries are doing on ESG (Environment, Social & Governance)? Then read our ESG report.

Read the report

Climate Protect

In 2020, we launched a sustainability initiative to coordinate and actively promote various activities.

Our environmental management system, certified to the ISO 14001 standard, implements measures conceived as part of Climate Protect. Environmentally conscious ideas and actions are reflected in all areas of the company; from more efficient route planning to making buildings and workplaces more sustainable through, for example, solar panels and heat pumps. The management system helps us achieve the goals we have set. GLS Netherlands has a local environmental representative who is responsible for implementing environmental protection measures.

At the end of 2023, GLS Netherlands committed to the Scienc Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Science Based Targets are targets that provide companies with a clearly defined roadmap to reduce emissions, in line with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Read more about our commitment here.

CO2 reduction

GLS Netherlands is fully focused on reducing its CO2 emissions by investing in sustainable solutions on a national level. To reduce CO2 emissions from our transport and logistics activities, GLS Netherlands deploys various measures, such as the use of electric delivery vehicles. We also invest in solar panels, heat pumps and other energy-saving measures for our buildings and depots. We minimise the amount of waste, and we focus on optimal waste processing at all depots by collecting and disposing waste separately. We also purchase 100% green (wind) energy and use efficient LED lighting wherever possible. These efforts are based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the annual carbon footprint calculation, with the aim of achieving ever lower emissions.

Reducing and avoiding CO2 emissions


The people who work at and for GLS have different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, religions and beliefs. Appreciation, respect and understanding are important principles for the Group when dealing with employees and partners. Intensive communication with all who make the last mile for GLS when picking up and delivering parcels is an essential part of the cooperation.

The development of our employees is a crucial part of the GLS strategy, with which the Group aims to ensure long-term success for the company and its employees.

In addition, management and employees attach importance to helping people in need. Throughout Europe, GLS companies support carefully selected initiatives in their social environment.

GLS is also involved in sponsoring sports teams and activities. In some cases, these sponsorship projects are also combined with a socially engaged angle.


Our quality standards are not limited to transport services, but are interwoven into all business systems and processes. These high requirements and the increasing complexity have led GLS to develop a quality management system in line with ISO 9001:2015. It enables GLS to guarantee seamless internal processes and stable quality with regard to our services.