Certified quality and sustainability

GLS ensures, controls and improves quality and sustainability with a Europe-wide quality and environmental management system. It is certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 by DQS, one of the largest international providers of management system certifications. GLS thus meets high, internationally recognized standards.

Dekra EN 16258 Certification GLS Romania
Dekra EN 16258 Certification for our calculation method of our energy consumption

GLS received the Dekra EN 16258:2012 Certification for its method of calculation and declaration of its energy consumption and GHG emissions for transport services. The conformity was adduced with audit report no. A-21011499.

GLS contributes, therefore, to a safer and more sustainable world.

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GLS Certified to ISO 9001
Environmental management: GLS Certified to ISO 9001

Comprehensive assurance of quality includes well-defined work processes, quality guidelines with inspection routines and regular audits.

GLS has established and maintains a quality management system that meets high, internationally recognized standards according to DIN ISO 9001:2015.

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Dekra EN 16258 Certification GLS Romania
Environmental management: GLS Certified to ISO 14001

GLS operates in an environmentally friendly manner and puts sustainability projects into practice at all national subsidiaries. GLS has gained ISO 14001:2015 certification for its environmental management system in all European countries. This globally valid and recognised standard is one of the most important environmental management benchmarks for manufacturing companies and service providers alike.

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EcoVadis Silver Medal GLS Romania
Silver Medal from EcoVadis

GLS Group’s sustainability efforts have been rewarded with the EcoVadis Silver Certificate. EcoVadis looks at a range of metrics under the categories: Environment, Sustainable Procurement, Ethics, Labour & Human Rights, rating companies against the highest possible standard. GLS Group’s environmental impact score of 90/100 puts the company among the 2% top-rated companies in the postal, courier and freight transport industry within the Environmental category.

Overall, GLS is in the top 6% of companies in the postal, courier and freight transport industry assessed by EcoVadis.

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Seal of approval for environmental and quality management
Seal of approval for environmental and quality management

GLS acts environmentally conscious and implements sustainability projects in all national companies. For its environmental management system, GLS has received ISO 14001:2015 certification in all European national companies. This globally valid and recognized standard is one of the most important for environmental management in manufacturing and service companies.

The comprehensive quality assurance of GLS includes precisely defined work processes, quality guidelines with test routines and regular audits. Quality key figures are permanently controlled.

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CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project

The Carbon Disclosure Project is a non-profit organization that collects and discloses environmental data from companies on the basis of standardized questionnaires. GLS takes part in the annual survey together with its parent company International Distribution Services plc.