Sustainable parcel delivery

As a leading European parcel provider, GLS takes responsibility towards the enviroment and society. For GLS, responsibilitiy means, continually moving towards sustainable delivery.

Think Global. Act Local.

The GLS keeps pace with changing conditions and is aware of its corporate responsibility. The goal is to promote activities that benefit employees and society in general and achieve sustainable success. In terms of environmental protection, the areas of focus are energy efficiency, the increased use of renewable energies and a reduction in pollution.
GLS is systematically optimising route planning, increasing the number of electric vehicles, using solar panels, etc. GLS also regularly supports social organisations through donations and delivery services.

Certified quality and sustainability

GLS ensures, monitors and improves quality and sustainability with a Europe-wide quality and environmental management system. The company is certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 by DQS, one of the largest international issuers of management certification. As such, GLS meets internationally recognised high standards.

GLS Group reports in detail on its current goals, activities and progress in economic, social, environmental and corporate matters.

ecovadis silver medal 2023

GLS Group’s sustainability efforts have been rewarded with the EcoVadis Silver Certificate.

EcoVadis looks at a range of metrics under the categories: Environment, Sustainable Procurement, Ethics, Labour & Human Rights, rating companies against the highest possible standard. GLS Group’s environmental impact score of 90/100 puts the company among the 2% top-rated companies in the postal, courier and freight transport industry within the Environmental category. Overall, GLS is in the top 6% of companies in the postal, courier and freight transport industry assessed by EcoVadis.

GLS delivery of multiple parcels

Think Quality

The GLS quality assurance includes precisely defined work processes, quality guidelines, and regular audits.

GLS courier entering vehicle

Think Social

GLS employs people of different ethnic backgrounds, religions or beliefs. Respect, honour and understanding - these are the most important principles of the Group.