Sustainability - People and Environment in focus

As GLS, we are aware of our responsibility for people and the environment. We are convinced that sustainable economic success can and must only be achieved in harmony with the protection of the environment for future generations (E) and the protection of social and human rights (S). Compliance with applicable laws and adherence to our own ethical standards (G) are of the utmost importance to us, no matter where we do business as GLS.

Sun shining trough the trees as a symbol for GLS Klima Protect

GLS Klima Protect

Make the decision to avoid and reduce greenhouse gas emissions when shipping parcels.

Two hands clapping High Five

Social responsibility

We are taking responsibility – for our employees and partners, as well as for people who need support.



Transparency across the board – we meet internationally recognised standards and publish environmental data.

We support the Sustainable Development Goals

At its 2015 General Assembly, the United Nations set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are designed to ensure sustainable development encompassing economic, social and environmental aspects.

169 individual targets form a framework to guide the actions of nation states, enterprises and individuals. With our sustainability measures, we are also contributing to the SDG goals in the GLS Group.

UN Sustainable development goal 3: good health and well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Health and well-being of our employees are out top priorities, which we ensure through an Occupational Health & Safety programme and a variety of local activities. We also locally support organisations in the health sector.

UN Sustainable development goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Supporting sustainable economic growth through decent work for all

In line with our commitment to our employees, we provide training and professional development opportunities, ensure adequate health and social security, and respect cultural diversity to promote a productive employment. We evaluate our employees on the basis of their qualifications nd performance, independent of any personal characteristics such as origin, culture, religion, age and sexual identity.

UN Sustainable development goal 10: reduced inequalities
Ensuring equal opportunities and reducing inequalities

We aim to provide equal opportunities to all employees and promote practices that eliminate any discriminatory behaviour. We also support regional initiatives like free parcel delivery for charities and social organisations. GLS is also committed to a variety of external projects and institutions that we support in the countries.

UN Sustainable development goal 11: sustainable cities and communities
Enhancing local quality of life in cities through safe and sustainable delivery

Together with our transport partners, we use vehicles that are zero-emission (e.g. electric or hydrogen vehicles) and low-emission (e.g. bio-CNG, bio-LNG, HVO100 vehicles) during operation compared to conventional models and are constantly exploring new possibilities for environmentally friendly transportation.

UN Sustainable development goal 13: climate action
Reducing the environmental impact of our entire operations

As part of our Climate Protect environmental strategy, we promote the responsible use of resources. Together with our transport partners, we are reducing emissions from parcel delivery and collection by switching to vehicles that are lower in emissions during operation and at the same time working on solutions to reduce energy consumption at our depots. We have set ourselves clear targets for reducing emissions in the upstream and downstream value chain (Scope 1-3) and are pursuing corresponding measures and guidelines.

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Sustainable shipping with GLS

With GLS, you ship your parcels sustainably through a balanced carbon footprint by compensation of greenhouse gas emissions through climate protection projects.

Our partners

Our transport partners, ParcelShop partners and suppliers form an important part of the reliable performance that GLS customers in Germany benefit from.

GLS as an employer

Find your new job with one of Germany’s leading parcel service providers. Exiting tasks, attractive additional benefits and a long-term perspective await you here.